REPLACE ( string_expression1 , string_expression2 , string_expression3 )
Arguments:-Is the string expression to be searched. string_expression1 can be of a character or binary data type.
string_expression2:-Is the substring to be found. string_expression2 can be of a character or binary data type.
Return Types:-Returns nvarchar if one of the input arguments is of the nvarchar data type; otherwise, REPLACE returns varchar.Returns NULL if any one of the arguments is NULL.
public void getinforamation() { DataAccess
da = new DataAccess(); DataSet
ds = new DataSet(); try { da.OpenConnection(); ds = da.GetDataTable("select Empinfo.Name,REPLACE(Attaindance.Status,
'1', 'present') AS Present, CONVERT (varchar, Attaindance.Adate, 103) AS Date FROM
Empinfo INNER JOIN Attaindance ON Empinfo.Id = Attaindance.Id"); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } finally { da.CloseConnection(); } }